1. Resumes
are important. Your resume works as your representative. It is the first
initial contact that you will make with a potential employer. You should always
have an updated copy of your cover letter, your resume, and your references.
I recently held an interview panel for
my company. And although the candidates were asked to upload their
resumes and cover letters when applying, I paid very close attention to those
who were able to hand a paper copy to each of the interviewers sitting on the
2. Always
print your resume on resume paper (preferably on off-white colored paper) to
present a more professional looking presentation.
A lot of employers use technology
(tablets, etc.) to view your resume. However, there are still those who
don’t. Ditch the creative fonts, the clip art, etc. as it distracts
employers from your qualifications but, keep the fancy paper as it does stand
out in a pile of white copy paper.
3. As
group panels are becoming more common when interviewing candidates, always have
at least three copies of your resume on hand.
Again, with technology at the forefront
of our lives there are companies that will not ask you for your resume.
However, for those that do, you want to be prepared.
4. How
you carry these documents is as important as having them. I recommend you
purchase a black or brown leather portfolio folder. In your folder should
be your documents, a blue ink pen, a black ink pen, and a small note pad in
case you may need to take notes. If you do freelance/contract work and
have a business card, keep that in your folder as well. Employers love to
know that you are organized and prepared.
Ditch the large purses, the manila
file/package folders, and the backpacks. Leather folders are an
interview accessory that shows professionalism and organization.
5. Always
arrive 15 minutes early, but no more than 15 minutes.
Contrary to what you see in the movies,
most employers are not interested in having their candidates converse in the
office lobby. Therefore they schedule their interviews with enough time for you
to exit the building and the next candidate to enter. The average interview
lasts approximately forty-five minutes. Most interviews are scheduled one
hour apart for that reason.
6. When
it comes to attire, “Generation Mil” has slightly altered the way we dress for
an interview today. Where it is still very important to look professional
when going on an interview, personality, creativity, and style play a huge part
in standing out from the competition.
Keep in mind the field and position
that you are interviewing for when choosing your attire. First impressions are
still very important when meeting a potential employer. The employer hiring for
a position in the Art industry may welcome a candidate in a Salmon colored
blazer, whereas an employer hiring for a position in the Finance industry may
7. Sex(y)
sells, but… if Prostitute or Escort is not the position you’re applying for,
sexy shouldn’t be the look you are going for either. Make sure your
attire fits your body, but isn’t form fitting.
Try to stay away from shirts that
reveal too much cleavage, collared shirts that pull in the breast/stomach area,
or skirts that reveal too much leg. Sleeveless shirts should only be worn
under a blazer. And if you choose to wear slacks, make sure they don’t
cling to your thighs or they’re not too baggy. Men, make sure your suit
fits your body. There is nothing worse than a man in a baggy suit. If you opt
to wear a sweater with a collared shirt and tie, make sure your shirt isn’t
baggy under your sweater, and that sweater isn’t oversize and droopy. And lastly,
make sure your shoes are clean and polished. Your resume can get you in the
door but, your presentation will speaks for you waaaaaay before you are able to
say anything.
8. When
getting ready for an interview, go easy on the makeup and the perfume/cologne.
Remember, first impressions are very
important. Make sure to give yourself a natural look that only highlights
your beauty when applying makeup for an interview. Try to avoid bright colored
lipsticks, eye shadows, and blushes. Also, be mindful of your potential
employer’s senses. Apply very little, if any, perfume/cologne on when going on
an interview. Some businesses are scent-free establishment due to allergies
their employees may have.
9. Do
not eat or drink anything (besides water) 30 minutes before your interview.
Food and or beverage smells and coloring linger on your breath long after you’ve finished your meal. Be sure to give yourself time to eat your meal, have your drink, and chew gum or eat a few mints with ease. And when it comes to mints and gum, do not enter an interview with either in your mouth. You may think it’s hidden but, trust me… it can be seen when you’re speaking.
RESEARCH!!! The number one question asked in an interview is “What do you
know about [insert company name here]?”
It is safe to assume that for every job
posted, there are at least one hundred applicants applying for that
position. Employers usually contact the most qualified, according to their
resume, for an interview. Doing your research will show your potential
employer that you are interested in something other than the pay check they can
provide. It shows that you have invested your time in getting to know what the
company does and how YOU can be an asset to it. And when doing your
research, do not stop at their website. Research whether they have a
LinkedIn account or a Facebook account and visit it. Research any articles or
postings that may have been written about the company, etc. Research the
type of people they currently employ and their qualifications and look for
similarities you may have with them. The information you can learn from doing
your research on a company can give you an advantage on not only the
competition, but answering the questions in the interview.
hope the information above helps you on your hunt!